Capital City of Warsaw, Praga-Południe District

Installing a fire alarm system in connection with the project: “Construction of a Cultural and Educational Centre”.

Project value: 560,000.00

Regional Court in Piotrków Trybunalski

Installing a CCTV surveillance system in the building of the Regional Court in Piotrków Trybunalski.

Project value: 2,150,000.00

Regional Court in Wrocław

Dostawa, montaż i uruchomienie systemu monitoringu CCTV wraz z pracami towarzyszącymi dla Sądu Okręgowego we Wrocławiu przy ul. Sądowej 1/Podwale 3.

Wartość projektu: 2 100 000,00

Military University of Technology

Services connected with the integration and refurbishment of electronic security systems at facilities of the Military University of Technology.

Project value: 3 444 050.00

Urania Arena in Olsztyn

Delivering and installing a complete CCTV system and telecommunication ducting as well as structured cabling and extra-low-voltage cabling in connection with the alteration and extension of the Urania Arena in Olsztyn.

Project value: 7,800,000.00