Regarding the Railway Infrastructure Systems for PKP PLK, we offer a whole range of equipment that is consistent with the solutions described in instructions Ipi-4 and Ipi-6:

  • Surveillance System
  • Emergency Assistance and Alarm System
  • Dynamic Passenger Information System
  • Public Address System (with the controller)
  • Assistive Listening System
  • Time Indication System
  • Train Detection Sensors

Platforma Inteligentnej Analizy Obrazu

Platforma w ramach jednego środowiska i jednego interfejsu integruje wszystkie popularne rodzaje monitoringu.

Powyższa integracja obejmuje co najmniej systemy:

  1. SSWiN,
  2. P. POŻ.,
  3. SKD,
  4. CCTV,
  5. GPS (pojazdy i osoby),
  6. Monitoring pracowników terenowych (strażnicy) oraz telemetria (pomiary temperatury, wilgotności, impulsów, tętna).

Jest to rozwiązanie nie spotykane na taką skalę w systemach VMS.

Aplikacja zapewnia nie tylko obsługę każdego typu urządzeń osobno, ale umożliwia tworzenie rozwiązań hybrydowych łączących różne źródła sygnałów jeden spójny system zabezpieczeń obiektu.

Platforma jest otwarta, tak aby być przygotowaną na integrację zarówno istniejących systemów bezpieczeństwa, jak i tych, które będą podłączane w przyszłości.

Rozwiązanie składa się z części programowej uruchomionej w centrum zarządzania, jak i sprzętowej zapewniającej obsługę kamer i analityki wideo na obiekcie.

Obok integracji różnych systemów bezpieczeństwa platforma wspiera pozostałe procesy związane z pracą firmy jak

  • realizację serwisów,
  • dystrybucję dokumentów, procedur i ogłoszeń,
  • zarządzanie przepustkami i kluczami,
  • przygotowywanie kart dostępu.



We deliver one-of-a-kind solutions to analyse CCTV images together with an image management system to ensure the highest level of protection against external and internal hazards. Highly efficient perimeter analysis ensures the full detection of incidents without false alarms. The modern architecture enables easy integration with any external software.

Our image analysis solutions are based on advanced IT technologies and artificial intelligence to achieve an unprecedented accuracy of detection and recognition with a very high effectiveness, often exceeding 99%.

It offers over 30 analytical modules to achieve effectiveness over 99%, primarily thanks to extremely efficient learning capabilities provided by a proprietary neural network, we can also deliver dedicated and customised analytical solutions to detect new objects and patterns of behaviour, supported by the highest effectiveness of detection.

Intelligent Image Analysis Platform

The platform integrates all popular types of monitoring in a single environment and interface.

The above-mentioned integration includes at least the following systems:

  • ACS,
  • CCTV,
  • GPS (vehicles and persons),
  • Monitoring of field employees (guards) and telemetry (temperature, humidity, pulse and heart rate measurements).
  • This is a solution without precedent on such a scale in VMS systems.


The application can control not just each type of equipment separately, but it can also be used to create hybrid solutions combining different sources of signals into an integrated building security system.

The platform is open so that it can be prepared for integration of existing and future security systems.

The solution consists of a software part running in the control centre and the hardware that supports the cameras and video analytics in the building.

In addition to the integration of different security systems, the platform supports other processes related to the operations of the company, such as:

  • maintenance and repairs,
  • distribution of documents, procedures and announcements,
  • pass and key management,
  • access card preparation.



Services relating to indoor and outdoor electrical systems. We make conventional systems and intelligent electrical systems. We specialise in the installation of new electrical systems and refurbishment of existing systems. Our team is composed of experienced electrical engineers with suitable qualifications.

Scope of services

  • Comprehensive design
  • Installation of electrical systems
  • Installation of substations
  • Indoor lighting
  • Outdoor lighting
  • Architectural feature lighting of facades
  • Construction site lighting
  • Construction of MV/LV lines
  • Construction of MV/LV transformer stations
  • Tests of electrical systems



Regarding the Dedicated Telecommunication Security Systems, we offer several innovative solutions that support conventional telecommunication systems and, in addition to enhancing the security in such facilities, also improve the comfort of the users of such buildings or structures. The continuous cooperation of our engineers with the best representatives allows us to create reliable solutions to support conventional telecommunication systems.

Content Management System

The Content Management System enables the full monitoring of any facility important for the Organisation and the full management of the processes taking place in its structure. This can be done thanks to the use of advanced resource identification technologies, a careful analysis of the needs of our Clients and the use of individually designed solutions, tailored to specific requirements.

The Content Management System includes the following:

  • Mechanical security systems to protect the objects stored,
  • Electronic control and monitoring systems,
  • Dedicated software,
  • Contactless RFID identification technology.

The RFID technology protects the facilities and enables their unambiguous identification. It enables efficient work with the system and reliable marking of the protected facilities.

Electronic Locker Room

The most important strengths of this solution are the availability and security of the stored objects. The system functions at all times, and its intuitive interface ensures that it can be used quickly and efficiently without queues. The unique ticket is associated with a specific locker number to ensure that no unauthorised person can access the objects kept in the locker. As long as suitable procedures for the security guards are implemented in the buildings, we can guarantee that electronic locker room modules will be used accordingly.

Sample implementations:

  • Court buildings
  • Official buildings
  • Universities/colleges
  • Museums
  • Hospitals

Metal Detectors

Our offering includes products of CEIA, a highly respected company. Its solutions primarily include the equipment for metal detection, mail scanners and detectors of hazardous liquids to enable the effective screening of the persons entering or leaving the building. The wide range of CEIA equipment is characterised by stable operation, high sensitivity and resistance to interference. The main part of the range are gate detectors, which can be broken down into three subgroups:

  • Walk-through detectors
  • Flat-panel detectors
  • Hand detectors

of various technical complexity customised to the requirements of a specific client. We have accordingly trained technical staff to correctly commission such specialised equipment.


Sample implementations

  • Prisons
  • Museums
  • Court buildings
  • Industrial plants
  • Military units

Prison Guard

Products of the Prison Guard family were created to improve security in prisons. The Prison Guard security system we distribute can be used to monitor the inmates. It enables the guards to make quick interventions where necessary in case of any danger to the health or safety of the convicts or arrestees. Our comprehensive solution guarantees stable 24/7 operation in facilities with increased security requirements.

Components of the system

  • Intercom system
  • Public address system
  • Meeting room monitoring
  • Passage/bar door control
  • System visualisation


Scope of activities

  • Detailed designs
  • Installation of the system
  • Commissioning and configuration
  • Integration
  • Maintenance services

Regarding Intercom Systems, we cooperate with a Polish manufacturer, Revotec. Their products meet the high requirements of the clients and respond to their increasing needs. Increasingly popular products for intercom systems include SOS columns and posts, for instance, for clients such as: PKP S.A., PKP PLK and other railway companies in Poland and abroad. Our highly qualified personnel can quickly and efficiently create concepts, select suitable solutions and install and commission SOS information systems. We integrate these solutions with SMS, PSIM and BMS security platforms.



We create IT Infrastructure based on professional network systems. We use all classes of coaxial and fibre-optic cables available on the market. Maxto proposes the full range of services and products, from consulting to the design, implementation and maintenance of network solutions. When we design networks, we select specific technologies and partners. This way, we can provide solutions that are optimal in terms of functionality and costs as well as long-term support of the manufacturer for our systems – up to 25 years.

Professional Data Centres should have the key components of the hardware infrastructure of IT systems, telecommunication equipment, security systems and active and passive components of LANs and WANs. Our infrastructure guarantees the stability of technical resources and security of the information stored in the system thanks to the wide range of products for the optimisation and consolidation of server infrastructure and performance and security monitoring of equipment and applications.

Scope of our offering

  • Management software
  • Network infrastructure monitoring applications
  • Cooling systems
  • Fire extinguishing systems
  • Emergency power supply systems
  • Telecommunication security systems
  • Fire alarm systems
  • Structured cabling
  • WLANs



Regarding the Integrated Building Management Systems, we offer many different solutions used for the integrated management of all the related systems. Thanks to our comprehensive approach to the smart construction industry, we can maximise functionality and security while reducing utility costs in the building.

Primary assumptions

  • Ensuring security
  • Reducing building operation costs
  • Improving user comfort
  • Central management of all building services
  • Maximum reduction of harmful emissions
  • Monitoring building parameters
  • Visualisations

Scope of integration and visualisation

  • Fire safety systems
  • Security systems
  • Communication and multimedia systems
  • Energy and comfort management systems
  • Intelligent electrical systems
  • Central heating systems
  • Air-conditioning systems
  • Ventilation systems



We offer comprehensive fire safety systems.

Scope of our offering

  • Fire alarm systems – public, industrial and commercial buildings require effective and reliable solutions in this regard. Our engineers carefully examine the characteristics of the building where such safety systems are to be provided, selecting solutions that will best conform to all of the above-mentioned requirements.
  • Smoke ventilation systems – we build smoke ventilation systems for buildings that remove toxic gases and smoke during a fire to ensure safe evacuation routes. Discharge of heat from the facility reduces the thermal load of the building that could cause it to collapse.

Scope of activities

  • Engineering services
  • Fire safety audits
  • Works management
  • Installation and erection
  • Configuration and commissioning
  • Maintenance and repairs



Regarding the Security Systems, we offer many different solutions for the integrated management of all the related systems. Thanks to our comprehensive approach to the smart construction industry, we can maximise functionality and security while reducing operating costs. Our qualified team of experienced engineers can perform the following activities:

Scope of activities:

  • Creating the concept
  • Engineering services
  • Managing the works
  • Installation and erection
  • Implementation of systems
  • In-warranty and out-of-warranty maintenance services

Our Offer

These security solutions significantly improve surveillance of protected property.

Thanks to cooperation with recognised manufacturers of professional CCTV equipment and using our own experience and skills as well as the experience and skills of our partners, we can implement any property surveillance system using CCTV systems.

We have extensive experience and many proven solutions in this area of security. This is the most common and most effective type of security equipment.

Effective evacuation in the event of hazards in large facilities would not have been possible without such solutions.

We build indoor sound systems and sound systems for difficult and specific areas, such as railway stations and adjacent areas.

Access control in industrial facilities is complemented by such solutions. Simple but effective communication and identification of people enables a significant improvement of the security of the monitored passages.

An efficient solution for meetings, enabling the recording and replaying of sound. Perfect for conferences and seminars.

We install systems based on conventional solutions with lamps in the corridors and a control panel in the security room as well as state-of-the-art solutions as an integral part of VoIP telephony provided together with an Access Control System

We integrate security systems based on 24/7 platforms. This provides the operator with a set of tools that, thanks to the full automation of the alarms from the individual systems, can monitor the overall security of the protected facilities.